Monday, September 23, 2013

Ethnographic Notes #3

Standing on the side
Some of the students stood in the middle of the class
Very quiet and slow paced in the beginning 
First group of students I met was Jaleel and Jennifer
Second group was Danielle and Tania
The classroom became a lot more like a social party (lots of laughter)
More comfortable with each other toward the end
Did not look around at my surroundings very focused on the assignment on hand

Everyone was nervous
We stood up very quietly at the start of the activity
Some of us got into smaller groups
Groups formed by who we saw first:
My first group was Jaleel and Jennifer. We talked about why we are Writing Majors
My second group was Danielle and then Tania came over and joined the group. We then went on to talk about what majors we are taking
We now felt more relaxed with each other
Really didn't look around the room since I was so focused on what the assignment was than what was going on around me
Professor Chandler went around timing us and telling us that time was up and to move on to someone else
Everyone in the class had lots of common goals
We were dressed casual
Danielle couldn't move because of her foot
There are two males in the room with a bunch of girls
It was laid back toward the end
Engaging in good conversation toward the end of the activity 

Things I remembered
I had fun doing this
I met a lot of different classmates
I tried to remember everything but it was kind of hard 
Wrote as much down as I could remember
We had lots of common goals
I had a hard time at first. Towards the end it was a "piece of cake"!

Observations about what happened:
I was nervous at first. I got up very slowly and I came to the middle of the room. On one side of the room I met Jaleel and Jennifer. We joked around to break the ice by saying that all of our names started with the letter "J".  Jennifer is an English Major with Creative Writing and Jaleel is a double major in Criminal Justice. While I was talking to him, the class was going around introducing themselves to each other and Professor Chandler came over and told us we had to switch and get to know somebody else. I looked to see who else I could talk to and went up to Danielle who was sitting down because of her foot. So I went on to introduce myself to Danielle and then Tania came over and joined the group . Danielle is in school to get a BA but she is not sure in what, maybe Business or something in that field because she is teaching 8th graders at this time wants to do something different.  While I was talking to her everyone else was laughing and having a good old time getting to know each other sort like a party. I went up to talk to Tania. We introduced each other and found out she is also in the education field like me and that English Writing is her second major. We thought it was "COOL"! She then went on to say she lived in Middlesex county and I told her "Oh I work for Wegmans in Woodbridge". She knew where that was and she had heard that it is a good place to work for. I said "NOT"!, which caused her laugh. The reason why I am in school is because this is my second career since my first one was cake decorating. Tania thought that was cool! Professor yelled "Times up get back to your seats and write down everything that just went on". 

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