Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Interview Protocol #9

My research consists on literacy learning out of school. How children are able to put in practice what they read out of school and use it in school with other language arts classes. I am very interested in this topic because my son has overcome his fear of reading. He has taken a different approach on how to read through something that entertains him and makes him enjoy what he is reading. He reads wrestling magazines, books that are wrestling based, trading cards to guide him in reading them and trading with his peers, he uses the computer to find out what happens in every wrestling match and what the wrestler’s signatures moves are. As the proud mom that I am due to the fact that my son has overcome his fear I can’t wait to see what goes on in my son’s little brain and what findings I am going to bring to share.
No general questions interviewing my son
But if I was interviewing someone else would ask them.

Interview Questions
Why do you love wrestling so much?
Why do you use the computer to get your information on your favorite wrestlers?
Why do you like to trade your cards with your friends?
Why do you like wrestling magazines so much?
Do you like to read wrestling books?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Discourse Analysis #8

Research Question
Why did the interviewer (B's) discourse feel as if he didn't want to be interviewed by (CH)?

What are my thoughts:
I felt as if (B) did not want to be interviewed by (CH).The interviewed felt kind as if (CH) was pushing out the words from (B's) mouth. It felt as if it wasn't an interview more of a conversation type of transcript. Sometimes it should be that way but at times it shouldn't. I felt as if (B) didn't want to be interviewed for this assignment. Maybe (CH) should have picked someone else she didn't know or maybe someone she didn't teach. Sometimes interviews are conducted in conversation to help the interviewer feel comfortable. With conducting interviews likes this the person will feel less nervous. But sometimes it doesn't pay to do it in conversation form because the interview goes off track and the questions don't get answered.


Ch   so it's interesting, games aren't really considered software are they? Ch guides conversation

B      they are – agrees - reluctantly
B      yeah, but it's just games (laughing) games are no big deal

B      Well, just in learning how to learn a program, I just see buttons, tool tips and ah I make a go at it, the scissors mean I can cut in here, and I can just cut and drag and drop - these a simple things everyone

knows, I guess the only reason I can pick up learning a program is that I just have that knack, no other way to explain it.everybody should know

B      well like a lot of games, in the beginning, there's menus.  You don't just start playing.  There's menus, you get to customize your decal your spray, clothes,


It's not all playing the game it's a lot of process to prepare for it, there's like box, scripts, you practice it, and you're not playing with other people, you're just like fooling around. Minimizing

B      I wasn't being graded - there's no - all right man, let's pass this class you've got to


Research Subject # 7

Julissa Lopez

Literacy learning out of school.

How does your child use to learn to practice literacy though engaging in wrestling magazines?
How can your child use his wrestling books for his reading skills?

I have selected you because you are the mother of a son that I could use as my subject in my research about how literacy is being used at home.

To get a feel of what your son does with literacy out of school. These interviews will be conducted in your home.

I will be visiting with you for at least 30 minutes in a period of two weeks. Which these interviews will take place in your home.

Yes I will record to be able to go back and write my data collection in my research paper.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Developing Research Questions #6

Blog #6
Sarina Rizzo, Julissa Lopez, and Rachel Palmer

Group Research Question: How do questions within instructor comments aid in student revisions? What do they tell the student about their writing?

Categories for analysis: (features to determine effectiveness)
1. tone of questions
2. questions asking for elaboration
3. questions describing readerly feedback
4. questions regarding structure
5. questions on reorganization
6. questions on generalizations of comments made in the paper
7. questions on importance of situations in the paper
8. questions on the readers understanding of the paper
9. questions on necessary information to include in paper

In order to determine the effectiveness of how the comments given to students aid in their revisions there are a few ways to determine this. The first would be to compare the essays that received comments to the final draft to see if the comments were applied. If there was a significant change in the essay, or it seems that the comments/question were addressed/answered, then how did that help the fluency of the paper. I think it would also be interesting to interview the writer and get his or her opinions on the questions that they received.

The things I would ask the writer would be:
What did the comments tell you about the paper?
Did they help you add or delete written material?
How were some of the comments encouraging, or discouraging? If either describe the effect it had on whether or not you revised your writing?
Did some of the questions confuse you or make you question your writing? If so, how or in what way?
What did the questions tell you about how your paper was interpreted by your reader? Did this knowledge tell you if you were successful or unsuccessful in your delivery of your work?
Do you overall find questions helpful in revising your paper? If so how, and what kinds questions are most helpful/important to you when you are writing?
Do you feel as if the professor’s comments were a little to personal ?(ex. gut  feeling,   feels out of place)
Overall did all the professor’s comments help you with your revisions on your paper?
Do you read all of the professors comments before you revise?

These questions to the writer would explain the effectiveness/ineffectiveness that the questions within the comments present to the writer. Also as an interviewer I would learn about what the student feels about the comments and would show how the writer used/disregarded the questions in revising his or her essay.
Also I think interviewing the instructor asking the big question of What are the intentions of the questions given, and how do you think they are going to help the writer? The answer to this question will then be compared to the answers from the student writer and that would show whether or not the questions are effective. If the student response proves the instructor response then the questions were effective in revision. If not then in turn, the questions would be ineffective. .  These questions determine whether   or not the professor or the student needs to change their behavior to get the writer to revise. For example if the teacher is asking the  wrong questions for this individual students that don’t persuade the student to want to revise but at the same time if the student just isn’t revising no matter  what the professor states  then its the student who is making him or hers writing ineffective by not reading and comprehending the professors comments.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Developing a Research Plan #5

The focus would be:
Literacy learning out of school.

Research question would be:
How does Jeremy learn to practice literacy though engaging in wrestling magazines?
How can Jeremy use his wrestling books for his reading skills?

Who has studied this and what they say?
Mary Louise Pratt
Arts of the Contact Zone
and more to come

What do I need to find out to answer my question?
How does Jeremy use it?
What makes him want to use it in his literacy and writing?
How does he use it in school?
What should I do to gather my information?
Interview my son
Interview other children

Help from professor:
Hi professor! I need help coming up with more questions to ask my interviewers and come up with a better research question or maybe reword it a little bit better.