Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Post 14

Here are some of my Interview Questions:
Interview Questions Transcript:

J- Is Myself

JC-Is Interviewee

 J: What kinds of activities do you like to do out of school?

JC: I like to read wrestling magazines, books that are fun to read, use the computer to look up stuff, play video games, I collect playing cards such as wrestling baseball pokeman I sometimes give them to my friends

J: Which activity do you like to do the most?

JC: I like to play my wrestling game W 14. It is cool! I love this game! It’s Awesome!

J: What do you do to find new moves or if you are stuck on a level?

JC: I use the computer or my grandma’s Kindle to find out what move to do next.

J: Does the computer help you out to find what you want?

JC: Yes, It gives me clues to be able to help me move on to the next level or it helps me get different moves to be able to beat the other wrestlers. I apply the signature moves and that wrestler is Done!

J: How do get the information on what you need off the computer?

JC: I sometimes have to read what it says sometimes my mommy has to help me read what is on it because the words are too big for me to read or I see the moves on You Tube. I like to see it because it makes it easier to apply the move to the wrestler.

J: What else do you do for fun?

JC: I read books about wrestling. I learn a lot. I learn like where my favorite wrestlers are born, how old they are, when did they start wrestling, how many title championships have they won, what are their signature moves, and lots of other stuff

J: When you are at school or outside of school what do you and your friends like to talk about?

JC: We talk about anything. We talk about wrestling. Wrestling is our favorite. We talk about…um um the moves that the wrestlers apply to one another. If we saw any of the shows like Monday Night Raw or Smack Down. We talk about what we saw and if we liked who won the match. It is so cool to be able to talk to my friends about the shows. We sometimes try to you know do the moves on each other. We get to talk a lot at lunch time and sometimes when we have recess or specials.

J: At school do you get to read books for fun?

 JC:  I read WWE Books sometimes we do when we have free time or lunch and recess. But I like to come home and use the computer before uh I do homework its fun for me to do this or my teacher reads different books.

J: What do you do on the computer?

JC: Look up plays for the games I like to play. The moves to beat the games. And who won the wrestling matches on TV and I try to watch the shows I don’t have that much time to see them so I squeeze them in.

Marked Up Interview Questions Transcript:

J- Is Myself

JC-Is Interviewee

J: What kinds of activities do you like to do out of school?

JC: I like to read wrestling magazines, books that are fun to read, use the computer to look up stuff, play video games, I collect playing cards such as wrestling baseball pokeman I sometimes give them to my friends  (He is expanding his discourse among his friends. With activities they do outside of school and that they have in common). He reads books and magazines that are fun and interesting to him.

J: Which activity do you like to do the most?

JC: I like to play my wrestling game W 14. It is cool! I love this game! It’s Awesome! (He is using activities that are fun for him to learn new ideas and vocabulary used for opening his discourse and lexis.  

J: What do you do to find new moves or if you are stuck on a level?

JC: I use the computer or my grandma’s Kindle to find out what move to do next.(He uses technology to expand on his different genres and how to find what he is looking for by having to read what the steps are in the description given on the screen of the computer or kindle.

J: Does the computer help you out to find what you want?

JC: Yes, It gives me clues to be able to help me move on to the next level or it helps me get different moves to be able to beat the other wrestlers. I apply the signature moves and that wrestler is Done! (He takes the time to find out what he can do to beat the game. He is expanding his vocabulary with words that he is taking off the screen of whatever technology and applying it to whatever game he is playing. He learned how to interpret “clues” and how to apply clues across different platforms).

J: How do get the information on what you need off the computer?

JC: I sometimes have to read what it says sometimes my mommy has to help me read what is on it because the words are too big for me to read or I see the moves on You Tube. I like to see it because it makes it easier to apply the move to the wrestler. (He looks for someone to help him when he cannot read what is on the screen of the games and of the technology he is using. This shows that he is determined to find out whatever it is that he needs to accomplish the task he wants to move forward in).

J: What else do you do for fun?

JC: I read books about wrestling. I learn a lot. I learn like where my favorite wrestlers are born, how old they are, when did they start wrestling, how many title championships have they won, what are their signature moves, and lots of other stuff (He is expanding on his genres and vocabulary. He is taking lots of information and processing it to his benefit).

J: When you are at school or outside of school what do you and your friends like to talk about?

JC: We talk about anything. We talk about wrestling. Wrestling is our favorite. We talk about…um um the moves that the wrestlers apply to one another. If we saw any of the shows like Monday Night Raw or Smack Down. We talk about what we saw and if we liked who won the match. It is so cool to be able to talk to my friends about the shows. We sometimes try to you know do the moves on each other. We get to talk a lot at lunch time and sometimes when we have recess or specials. (His discourse is fun and exciting for him and his friends. It is mention in Swales discourse communities that they must have a common goal and there’s is wrestling. My son could go on for hour on this topic. He just loves everything about wrestling). 

J: At school do you get to read books for fun?

JC:  I read WWE Books sometimes we do when we have free time or lunch and recess. But I like to come home and use the computer before uh I do homework its fun for me to do this or my teacher reads different books.(He is improving his literacy skills and with the help of the teacher they are learning different genres that they could apply with other subjects they are learning in school and out.)

J: What do you do on the computer?

JC: Look up plays for the games I like to play. The moves to beat the games. And who won the wrestling matches on TV and I try to watch the shows I don’t have that much time to see them so I squeeze them in. (Using technology to increase what he has learned and take it a step further and apply whatever learned and build on it).

J: What do you and your friends talk about that you have in common?

JC: Sometimes I talk about wrestling stuff into like doing games and talking about it with my friends. We talk about who won last night on tv. We talk about their entrance sons and their finisher wrestling moves. And we talk about um which ones are our favorite wrestlers. (Swales points out that there are lexis among the discourse communities which only the community knows and this is one of them. As an outside conducting this interview there is lexis that I don’t know about but my son and his friends know like the entrance songs and lyrics. The finisher moves don’t have a clue on what that means but learned it as I interviewed him. They are learning so much by just having a common interest among each other). 

J: What do you like to do with your trading cards?

JC: Sometimes when we bring them to school we play with them at recess time. We look at the pictures. We look at the numbers for like to see who won who has the most numbers and then they win and if you lose you trade with someone else and sometimes we trade them with one each other. (Building vocabulary, arithmetic skills, developing sense of patterns, and order of arranging and rearranging cards. Enriching literacy and discourse among friends without having a clue that they are among each other).   

J: Why do you like to read the wrestling ones more than any other book?

JC: Because they are entertaining and they have the best legends in history entrainment like Shawn Michaels, The Kings of Kings Triple H, Mic Flare, and MY FAVORITE WRESTLER JOHN CENA!( He is having fun reading books that are interesting to him and he reads because he wants to not, not because it is assigned to him. He is learning while engaging in something he likes to do. He is opening and learning new vocabulary he could use in his discourse and any discourse he has among his friends).


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